4 Ways to Maintain the Customer Lifecycle with Sampoll

Thursday, January 21, 2021

How well do you actually know your customers? No, really! How well?!  

The Sampoll team thought it would be a great opportunity to discuss the importance of getting to know as much as possible about your customers. Customers are the lifeblood of any business and getting personal and really stepping into the “shoes” of your customers is the only way to engage, inspire and connect in a way that is both meaningful and valuable for both parties.   

Do you truly know what your customers like? How about what your customers do not like?  Can you really say, with confidence, what your ideal customer looks like?

Did you know? 

→  91% of today’s consumers, particularly digital natives, are most likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations. 

95% of customers tell others about a bad experience and 87% share good experiences.  

→  52% of marketers adapt their strategies and tactics based on customer interactions and feedback.  

Here are 4 ways to maintain the customer lifecycle with Sampoll.

1. Discover highly qualified customers

Whether your brand is hosting in-store product sampling demos or providing free at-home samples to new or existing customers, Sampoll has the right conversational data collection tools to help you and your team clearly differentiate consumers who genuinely like your product and are showing purchasing intent vs. consumers that did not like your product and are not worth your time or advertising dollars. There is a huge time and cost savings by using insights tools like Sampoll that will do all the reporting automatically. Yes, it’s magical and if you are an emerging CPG brand with a limited budget this is a great option without breaking the bank! 

2. Elevate your Customer Engagement with Sampoll

Brands today are using Sampoll to run virtual wine tastings, cooking experiences, quizzes, and other fun community activation activities to both engage current customers and attract new customers. Why do brands use Sampoll for this? Not only does Sampoll enable brands to continue a meaningful dialogue throughout the customer journey, but it gives brands an easy way to set up, manage, and execute product sampling experiences all in one place while also collecting actionable first-party customer feedback! 

3. Sampoll can help you retain customers 

We know that feeling of sheer bliss when you attract new customers to your brand but can you retain your customers?  That is the trillion dollar question! Customers switching companies due to poor service costs U.S. companies a total of $1.6 trillion per year. One easy way to retain your customers is to provide relevant product offers and recommendations based on their taste preferences. Sampoll is able to help you capture valuable data on individual customer taste preferences right at the “point-of-sampling” and you can use Sampoll’s retargeting tool to re-engage customers and share personalized offers and recommendations that will truly delight your customers and helps build a real sense of trust and loyalty in your brand. 

 4. Expand your product line(SKUs) and customer LTV 

Gathering accurate customer feedback on your products and services can be valuable when looking to expand your product line, get more SKUs on the shelves and build customer Lifetime Value(LTV). According to Harvard Business Review, marketing products as “customer-ideated” increases market performance by up to 20%. Sampoll helps you show customers you care about their input and makes them feel heard and valued. Customer LTV increases as your brand successfully retains customers and drives brand loyalty. 

Sampoll is a great solution to collect valuable input from customers during the product testing process. Let’s say, for example, you are a beverage company looking to expand into the “Flavored Seltzer” category. Sampoll can help you determine what is the winning flavor among new and existing customers by helping you manage an in-store demo or at-home product sampling campaign and then collecting quick customer feedback on specific flavors that you are testing. All at a fraction of the cost of hiring some fancy research firm to conduct a focus group not to mention waiting gruesome 4-6 weeks to get your report. Sampoll’s intelligent reporting and management suite levels the playing field for small and mid-sized CPG brands by getting your reports on customer feedback almost in “real-time” and helps you compete with the larger brands in your category!  

A retail buyer’s job is to bring in new SKUs that sell and maximize their shelf real estate sell-through. In order to increase your chances of getting on their shelf, you must convince the buyer that your product will sell well. Instead of wishing on a prayer in hopes that the buyer will go with their gut and take a chance on your brand, you can use Sampoll and provide data and social proof of your product’s ability to fly off the shelf!

Set up a demo call today.  Schedule a Time Now!