Sampoll Rolls Out New Features for the New Year

Friday, January 1, 2021

This is not another cliché New Year’s resolution post, rather, it's a promise to you that we're doubling down on releasing amazing new features to help make 2021 the best year yet for your brand’s product sampling and testing campaigns! With that in mind, here are a few new exciting solutions we're rolling out to kick-off the year right!

Conversational Data Collection powered by Sam the Chatbot

Say hello to our little friend, Sam! Time to throw away those boring old surveys and replace it with Conversational Data Collection. Did you know that a study done in 2019 showed that 86% of consumers say they’d prefer to interact with a chatbot or voice assistant vs. filling out a form on a website? Think of Sam as your virtual brand ambassador that can potentially have thousands of simultaneous conversations at scale with your customers. No more training inexperienced brand ambassadors, no more chasing down reports, Sam does all the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.  

Interactive Experiential Campaign Template Library

From product sampling pop-ups to digital experiences, the Sampoll platform offers turnkey solutions to help brands expand (or pivot) their product sampling campaigns in the digital environment. 

80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services. 

Brands today are using Sampoll to run virtual wine tastings, cooking experiences, quizzes, and other fun community activation activities to both engage current customers and attract new customers. 

The Sampoll platform allows brands to set up, manage, and execute product sampling experiences all in one place while also collecting actionable first-party customer feedback.  

Retargeting Customers Beyond the Product Sample

Product sampling audience segmentation like you’ve never seen it before. 

We all know audience segmentation as it applies to email marketing & other personalized campaigns (more on this subject in a future post). We’ve also all been to Costco and tried a product that we never purchased. 

The Sampoll Audience Segmentation feature helps brands better quantify who’s MOST likely to buy after they tried a sample. This helps speed up path-to-purchase, as well as, informs marketers how to better create “pre and post-purchase” experiences for future sampling campaigns. 

Interested in learning more about Sampoll’s new features? Contact to set up a follow up demo call!